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Frank V Walczyk, Northampton County , Virginia Deeds and Wills 1651-54 (Coram, NY: Peter's Row, 1999), .
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Deedmapper software Direct Line Software - Steve Broyles http://users.rcn.com/deeds/in dex.shtml
Maryland State Archives online: http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us
Carol Bowman Kehler, Ram Gott Swamp, An Early History of Deale, Maryland, Second Edition (Broomall, Pennsylvania: Ancestor Encounters,2019). For information email ancestor.encounters@gmail.com or contact the Deale Area Historical Society.
Carol Bowman Kehler, Ram Gott Swamp, An Early History of Deale, Maryland, Second Edition (Broomall, Pennsylvania: Ancestor Encounters,